- Luke Olson
- Professor, Department of Computer Science
- Director, Computational Science and Engineering
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- lukeo illinois.edu
- 4324 Siebel Center
- 217-244-8422
Siebel Center for Computer Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
201 N. Goodwin Ave.
Urbana , IL 61801
Quick Info
I am in the Scientific Computing Group in the Department of Computer Science. Learn more about my research in sparse matrix computations, finite elements, and high performance computing HERE.
Current course that I am teaching is
I'm currently involved with the following activities; contact me if you want to know more!
- Professor, Deptartment of Computer Science, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, (Full 2016-present; Associate; 2011-2016; Assistant 2005-21011)
- Visiting Assistant Professor/NSF VIGRE Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, 2003-2005
- PhD (2003), Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado at Boulder
- Thesis: Multilevel Least-Squares Finite Element Methods for Hyperbolic PDEs
- MS (1999), Mathematics (Applied), University of Iowa
- BA (1997), Mathematics and Physics, Luther College